So when Twilight first started and came out in theaters, I told myself I wouldn't watch Twilight or New Moon or any related movie. I told myself it was stupid and I didn't want to be some crazy Twilight Guru. Seriously all I heard was Edward fan or Jacob fan? What has this series done to you guys. When my sister, Amber (who does not like to read at all) decided to read the books, I couldn't believe it. Something had to be sooo Amazing of this series for her to read the books. I still told my self I will not be a crazy Twilight Fan.

I decided to see what people are so crazy about this series and ordered Twilight and New Moon off of Netflix. AND SERIOUSLY NEW MOON ENDS JUST LIKE THIS. I don't want to read the books because I don't want it to be ruined and I just hate reading. But seriously, that's how it ends!!!

I guess I am now one of those crazy Twilight fans and I will be going to see Eclipse in theaters. By the way I am DEFINATLEY a Edward fan :)

1 Comment

  1. The Dembkowski Bunch on April 12, 2010 at 3:35 PM

    Total Edward fan here! Have read all of the books and suggest that if you haven't read them yet, DON'T!!! Wait till you have seen all the movies then read them. I am so biased after reading the books that I am not even a big fan of the movies, because I feel they did not do the books justice at all. I am a total Twlight nerd and sadly can't even stand to watch the movie I feel it was done so poorly.


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